Alhamisi, 10 Desemba 2020


 Introducing the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in collaboration with the World Bank is preparing a five years program  for highereducation improvement, “Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project”.The project’s objective isto increase enrolment and improve the training quality and labor market relevance of degree programs in priority disciplines of 15 selected public universities and 4 institutions while improving governance and management of the higher education system.

The project will invest in requisite infrastructure for modern and effective teaching and research, and by training to the highest standard the lecturers, researchers and administrators needed by universities to achieve to their full potential.

The HEET Project is geared towards meeting the following strategic objectives:

  1. to increase enrolment in priority disciplines,
  2. to  improve the relevance and quality of programs at universities to meet the conditions and standards of the current and future labour market,
  3. to strengthen system-level coordination, management, and regulations to ensure quantity, quality and relevance of higher education in Tanzania, and
  4.  to increase the rate and extent of graduate employability through improving the relevance of curricula and create new and demand-driven programs.

The HEET Project Expected Project Results are:

  1. Growing % of high skilled population (current: 3%, LTPP goal: 12%) 
  2. 30% or more increase in teaching and learning space (lecture rooms, laboratories and workshops) in higher education institutions in Tanzania, to ensure they are ready for the expanded enrolment anticipated are a result of the free education policy at secondary level
  3. 30% increase in higher education human resources for priority sectors preparing for industrialization and middle level economy
  4. More students & graduates with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) training (currently: University Gross Enrolment Rate Tanzania:  5.2%, Sub-Saharan average 8.6%)
  5. Improved quality of instruction, with increased number of lecturers with Master’s & PhDs 
  6. Expanded use of advanced ICT
  7. More applied Research & Development based on national priorities, product development, commercialization
  8. Enhanced student loan recovery and increased sustainability of higher education financing

The MoEST, has prepared Environmental and Social Safeguard instruments which will guide implementation of HEET, in alignment with the World Bank Safeguard Policies. The instruments include:

  1.  Resettlement Policy Framework;
  2. Environmental and Social Management Framework; and
  3. Stakeholders Engagement Plan.

The threeinstruments identify how risks will be mitigated and prevented during project implementation. The instruments will be uploaded in the MoEST website for stakeholders’ consultation.

For further enquires contact: Tabitha Etutu tabitha.etutu@moe.go.tzor Sakanda Gaima

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Chapisha Maoni

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